Nogu Svelo

The Axis Club, Toronto (12.02.2023)

Nogu Svelo! (lit. ’Cramp in the Leg!’) is a contemporary Russian rock band. The group was founded by Maxim Pokrovsky, the only consistent member and author of nearly all of the band’s work. The band’s work is diverse and influenced by a variety of styles, including alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, art punk, experimental rock and others. Later works also include elements of electronic music. Lyrically, they are characterized by frequent use of humor and parody. While some of their albums include English lyrics, the majority of their work is in Russian. While originally from Moscow, the band relocated to the US in 2016 and for political reasons no longer performs in Russia.

Since April 2022, Nogu Svelo! has released a number of songs and videos against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, namely “Nam ne nuzhna voina!” (lit. ’We don’t need war!’), “Ukraine”, “Bukva zyu” (lit. ’The letter z’), “Pokolenie z” (lit. ’Generation z’), “Russia, Go Home!”, “Gimn obrechyonnykh” (lit. ’Hymn of the Doomed’), and “S novym godom, synok!” (lit. ’Happy new year, son!’).

The band: Max Pokrovsky, Matt Breuer, Dimitri Vishnepolsky, Graham Doby, Andrey Yarygin, Tatiana Pokrovskaya and Joey Lamb.
The song “Ukraine” at a concert in Toronto was performed together with Ukrainian musician Gregory Chebonenko.

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